A Mommy’s Love- Justifiable Sacrifices

redrose66 / June1, 2015 / Family

A mommy’s love begins at conception and is everlasting. She makes the child while making the initial sacrifice of giving herself to the one she loves thus expressing that love through her feelings, emotions, and actions from that point on till the end of time, Continue reading A Mommy’s Love- Justifiable Sacrifices


redrose66 / May 31, 2015 / True Life Event

 Aunties are the people that the nieces and nephews feel they can come to when they need nonjudgmental honest sound advice without repercussions, secrets that will be kept private, an open minded thought as well as an open heart, thoughts of wisdom, a place to hide or get away from for a short spell, an open door policy with (NSA) no strings attached, an occasional shoulder to cry on, or even for just a friend to bend an ear.
Continue reading Aunties

The Black Sheep

redrose66 / May 30. 2015 / Life Experiences

If you’ve never heard of a “Black Sheep” let me fill you in on the meaning behind the term but first picture a bouquet of roses, Normally when one receives a bouquet of roses ordinarily it’s one particular color of roses, generally their favorite color. Now picture there being a single rose of a different color in the mix, but one might find it odd and out of place almost as an obstacle. Few will find a uniqueness in it, but would question the reason behind the madness.

Well that’s kind of what a “Black Sheep” is in the world of people and relationships as well as family and friends and is defined as such: a member of a family or group who is regarded as a disgrace to them. And is referred as, “the black sheep of the family. So the “Black Sheep” is as an obstacle or “standing out” type of individual that people tend to avoid or push aside as if their presence or being isn’t really worth anything, well until it is.

“Black Sheep” are usually not considered in most family functions such as barbecues, birthday parties, celebrations, family /social gatherings, dinner parties, or even considered for worthiness until they are needed to perform a specific purpose or can be useful as when they serve as a special necessity to a certain someone in need of their assistance or services that they are able to provide for that individual.

When the “Black Sheep” throws an event, a wedding, a celebration, a party, or a gathering even if any of these are for their own children, the rest of the family still avoids them always having a “legit” reason not to attend (unless the benefit is for them or their immediate family member). Some excuses include but not limited to:They’re sick but yet invite guests over, they already have a previous engagement, they forgot, they had no fuel for their vehicle, they don’t know where the place is located, they don’t drive at night, they’re going fishing, well the excuses are never ending. Yet the events are not attended by but a select few usually the immediate family of the ones doing the inviting and occasionally a niece or two.

Personally I feel that being a “Black Sheep” eliminates one from any commitments they would normally feel obligated to attend thus terminating an expectation that they weren’t even aware of in the first place, leaving them the opportunity not have to plan for or have to plan around any such event therefore eradicating them, freeing them to live their lives without restrictions or strings attached.

No expectations, well, that’s until their services are rendered by the Sheep Herders if you will and thus bellows them, either due to their own inability to perform certain tasks or duties whether by choice or by laziness, or maybe because they don’t feel the need to pay out the big bucks for a professional to do such endeavors.

Whatever the reason, the “Black Sheep” then has the ball in their court and therefore has the option to decide for themselves if the task presented before them is worth their efforts and if so enabling them to control the conditions in which the favor would take place giving them the upper hand and having the Herder at their beck and call for a short spell until the such assignment is complete.

So one must decide for themselves if being a “Black Sheep” is a downfall, a burden, or a blessing in disguise. Regardless of which way, to each his / her own. Life is full of flaws, deceptions, choices, and decisions and each individual has to decide their own fate sort of speak.

I hope this article was helpful and I’d love to hear your personal experiences on this topic. Feel free to share your story with me and other like readers.Thank You for taking the time to read this.

Copyright © 2015 by Josephine Rojas. All rights reserved.

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Family Night is Very Important

by redrose66 / May 29, 2015 / Family

 Since my children were very young we have always set aside at least one night a week to designate as “Family Night”. We used to call it “Game Night” because we didn’t have a lot of money back then every week but we ordered $5.00 pizzas from Little Caesar’s Pizza and always set the same night and played either board games, cards, or the Memory Game every week. Since 1998 it has been almost consistently the same night every week rarely changing. Some of our favorite board games were Candy-land, Chutes and Ladders, Sorry, Trouble, and  Monopoly. Some of the card games included Skip-Bo, Phase 10, Uno, and Shit, I know the kids called it Crap but adults you know we say it like it was taught to us. Continue reading Family Night is Very Important

“The Slip”

by redrose66 / May 28, 2015/ Just For Laughs

So I withdrew $20.00 from my account for a just in case situation would come up and put it in my pants pocket. Later I found a twenty dollar bill laying on the table so I started checking my pockets to see if I had possibly misplaced my money. Sure enough I could not locate my money anywhere. My husband then tells me that he found twenty dollars on the sofa and was wondering if it was mine. So I said, “More than likely because I had put a twenty in my pocket and now I can’t seem to locate it”. He said he had placed it on the table. I love that he’s so honest!  Continue reading “The Slip”

Going Public Can Be Terrifying

by redrose66 / May 27, 2015 / New Experiences

 Well, this is a new adventure for me reaching out into the public and spreading my wings if you will. This is Day 1 for me and I’m not real certain I’m doing all this right but some friends of mine gave me great advice and some incentive so here I am.

I guess the whole blogging thing takes time before it catches on with the public but it’s my hope that once I get the ball rolling that maybe I can make a difference. Maybe one day I’ll get a book published but for now I have to take these baby steps. Continue reading Going Public Can Be Terrifying

It’s not as bad as you may think

by redrose66 / May 27, 2015 / Encouragement

Everyone has things in their lives that tend to make them feel like there’s no where to go but down. I look at things like this. If things do go down how low can they go and if they hit rock bottom, well then there’s nowhere else to go but upward. I have had many personal situations where I felt that there’s no hope and there’s no possible positive that could result out of that particular situation. But I was wrong!  Continue reading It’s not as bad as you may think

Hello Crazy World!

by redrose66 / May 27, 2015 / Introduction

It is a crazy world out there with everything moving so fast and technology flying through space, but me, I’m merely a simple person with an open mind always thinking and wondering.

I would like to be able to express my opinions in the hope that some day I may make a positive impact on the lives of those who show an interest of a common denominator. I hope I am able to accomplish these goals through my experiences, thoughts, ideas, and inspire or at least peak your interests.

I also would like to hear some of your ideas and input as well as some of your experiences so together we may improve the lives of all the readers. Please feel free to comment or add your share something you feel might be encouraging to someone in order to better improve the lifestyles or at least encourage others in a positive manner.

I have set up ways to like, follow, rate, or contact me in relation to my posts. Feel free to browse about and positive advice is always welcome. (I’m still new at this blogging stuff)

Smile everyone, because there’s always tomorrow and another ray of sunshine!

Thank You and Enjoy!

Copyright © 2015 by Josephine Rojas. All rights reserved.