“The Slip”

by redrose66 / May 28, 2015/ Just For Laughs

So I withdrew $20.00 from my account for a just in case situation would come up and put it in my pants pocket. Later I found a twenty dollar bill laying on the table so I started checking my pockets to see if I had possibly misplaced my money. Sure enough I could not locate my money anywhere. My husband then tells me that he found twenty dollars on the sofa and was wondering if it was mine. So I said, “More than likely because I had put a twenty in my pocket and now I can’t seem to locate it”. He said he had placed it on the table. I love that he’s so honest! 

The next day, which was yesterday, I had put that same twenty back in my pocket not being smart about putting it in my wallet like I should have and later last night I found it myself sitting on the sofa. So I placed it on the table in the hopes that my husband didn’t notice that I had dropped it once again and still  hadn’t put it away, but he didn’t thankfully.

So today I picked up that same twenty dollar bill that had been giving me “the slip” the last couple of days and decided since my husband had an appointment that maybe afterwards I could take him to go pick up a taco or a burger for lunch. So I enticed him with it and since we had an hour to spare before his having to return back to work we  decided to go ahead and stop at the our favorite inexpensive Mexican restaurant and have a bite to eat my treat with that twenty.

We had ordered our meals and it was time to pay so I go up to the counter to pay for our lunches and I’ll be darned if that silly twenty dollar bill was not in my jacket pocket where I had placed it not thirty minutes prior to entering the restaurant. So I ran to the car (leaving my husband at the register) to check and see if I had possibly dropped that twenty in the car somewhere maybe when I pulled out my cellphone or something. As I was searching the car I did located that twenty dollar bill and as I suspected it was between the center consul and the passenger seat where I was sitting earlier.

So I rush in to go pay as my husband is on his way out and I told him that I had found it but he said it was too late because he thought I had given him “the slip” and just used the twenty dollars as a front to bail on him at the last minute and since I had left the building he was convinced that this was my actual plan.

You see our daughter used to play a game with us when she was a teenager, mostly with my husband, that she had money and wanted to go to the store to purchase something only after getting the items of choice and placing them on the counter or conveyor for purchasing would she mention that she had forgotten her money and thus had given him “the slip”. This was a common communication error or just a way for her to save her small amounts of money and still get what she needed or wanted. It was very smart of her. She never really wanted much and her step-father didn’t mind getting her anything anyways because she was always very gracious and grateful for everything she received. But  “the slip” was always her thing.

So as he explained to me about him thinking of me giving him “the slip” then reminding me of how our daughter used to do that with us we both burst out with laughter and I felt the need to share this hilarious event with my readers.Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Let me know if you ever gave anyone “the slip” or if anyone ever gave you “the slip”. I’d love to hear your story. Till then, Peace and Love my Friends

Copyright © 2015 by Josephine Rojas. All rights reserved.

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