Family Night is Very Important

by redrose66 / May 29, 2015 / Family

 Since my children were very young we have always set aside at least one night a week to designate as “Family Night”. We used to call it “Game Night” because we didn’t have a lot of money back then every week but we ordered $5.00 pizzas from Little Caesar’s Pizza and always set the same night and played either board games, cards, or the Memory Game every week. Since 1998 it has been almost consistently the same night every week rarely changing. Some of our favorite board games were Candy-land, Chutes and Ladders, Sorry, Trouble, and  Monopoly. Some of the card games included Skip-Bo, Phase 10, Uno, and Shit, I know the kids called it Crap but adults you know we say it like it was taught to us.

 Well my since my kids are adults now and game night isn’t really an option anymore we have chosen a restaurant of our liking within our budget and we still to this day continue our Family Night once a week every Thursday.

 This gives us the opportunity to talk about how our week went and what our plans will be for the weekend as well as any interesting events or problems that may have occurred throughout the week that may be on our minds or thoughts at the time.

 It helps us to stay involved by keeping in touch and being able to continue to bond as we experience new things in our lives and helps us to grow as a family unit. These are times that nobody can take away from us because the memories are ours to share and to enjoy. We leave the options and topics of conversations open for all discussions without judgments.

 It gives us the opportunity to see where we can offer advice and listen to new ideas and be more involved with activities as the days pass. Let’s face it, we’re all aging and our health is not as it once was so I would like to leave behind some fond memories with my children if indeed the time came that I passed on.

 At least my children will know that no matter what’s going on in our lives we always have one special bonding day that isn’t negotiable that way the day will be more precious and it’s something that we can dear to our hearts as fond memories.

 Being that we have this one day set aside and not wanting to negotiate altering it gives less chance that it will be tried to be adjusted. My youngest son always strives to be there and be on time. Sometimes meeting us at the house and traveling in our vehicle other times he races straight to the meeting place. We have adjusted the time due to him having to work late but he’s only missed once in several years. That’s admirable and shows us that he really appreciates and respects us.

 Now my eldest son doesn’t seem to want to make the effort to come on a regular basis but decides when and if he’ll come thinking that we’ll appreciate the times he actually shows up more than not. But he’s mistaken because the son that makes the extra effort to be there every week is the one making the sacrifice and the other makes us believe that he wants to be the center of attention when he shows up. We are glad when he shows up, don’t misunderstand me but we will not adjust times for him as we have in the past when he used to come regularly, not any more. Now he’s full of reasons and excuses as to why he cannot make it none of which cannot be worked around. It’s only once a week and it’s the same time and location the majority of the time,  no excuses except if you’re ill or working which is never the case.If he really wanted to be there he would step up to the plate and strive to make that extra effort but I’m not feeling the respect that I think he should have for the people who always seem to be there for him when he’s in a rut. But that’s just me I guess.

 My daughter, bless her heart lives in a different town but always makes the extra effort, her and her family, to come and visit. They stay with us the weekend or during holidays and summer they stay even longer. They enjoy spending time with us as we do them. But even when we are out of town visiting them we still have our Thursday Family Night either before we leave or if we are there on a Thursday we have it with them usually bringing our youngest son with us because he enjoys our times together.

 Sometimes my siblings and their family’s join in on Family Night. That’s okay too. It helps me feel good that I am able to get them to join one night with their family where everyone sits at the same table at the same time. Of course the rules are NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES USED EXCEPT TO TAKE PICS ONLY! And NO FIGHTING!.That’s it. It’s all about enjoying quality time together as a family unit, getting to know each other better, and bonding.

 It all boils down to how important you feel your family is to you as an individual and how much you want your family involved in your life. We don’t pry, we don’t control, we only offer help where help is needed. If you want your family close and your family wants to be close to you then make that extra effort to make it happen I urge you.

 No family is perfect and nobody is perfect, we just have to try and accept our loved ones for who they are but steering clear of danger when it’s in our sights. Most of all, remember, Family Night is very important and if you’re consistent in the designated day and time even if it’s only every other week, or once a month, make that effort because the appreciation and efforts as well as sacrifices made by all involved will make family life more enjoyable!

 I hope this was helpful and I appreciate any uplifting advice from and to all readers. Thank You and Take Care!

Copyright © 2015 by Josephine Rojas. All rights reserved.

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