A Mommy’s Love- Justifiable Sacrifices

redrose66 / June1, 2015 / Family

A mommy’s love begins at conception and is everlasting. She makes the child while making the initial sacrifice of giving herself to the one she loves thus expressing that love through her feelings, emotions, and actions from that point on till the end of time,

From the actual moment the mommy gets her first inclination due to the natural course of the nausea and the immediate weight loss to the light headedness from the dizzy spells and possibly fainting or near fainting episodes all the way to those crazy cravings and mood swings, she has a whole new love to share.

That is an everlasting loving bond and like a three-fold cord it can never be broken regardless of the mishaps that may take place from this time forward. The sacrifices a mommy has will be endless no matter the situation no matter the consequences she is now the protector of the new life being formed within her womb.

Throughout the entire pregnancy the mommy’s job is to protect herself from germs, minimizing stress, preventing from over-exerting herself, eating a well balanced diet, sleeping and resting enough throughout each day, exercising,  is keeping the baby from harms way.

After the baby is born and through the child’s entire developmental years the mommy makes sacrifices in order to assure the safety of the the mind and body of that little dependent blessing. She rests only when she is satisfied that the child is as he or she should be complete and healthy both physically and mentally. And believe me this can and is very exhausting on all levels.

Now as the child begins his / her school aged years the mommy makes sacrifices to continue to the physical and mental health but now the child’s social skills are something to be considered on as well as continued mannerism. The mommy makes the sacrifices to work on the school projects and the outside activities since the child now has a new circle they have special play days, parties, and social gatherings. Plus the PTA and “open house”, including the music programs and physical education programs to go and watch them perform in.

Now as the child goes through the pre-teen years the personalities and the social life increases , the physical aspects depending on the decisions and time allotted by the child may increase as well increasing the sacrifices of the mommy to have the child enter sports, and then their after school practice,s and “team mom”,  “snack week”, and traveling to and from the sport’s fields or courts. The sacrifices mommies make are endless. Sometimes mommies even find themselves obligated to “car pool” therefore having to transport other children along with their own plus the equipment and still trying to maintain the nutritional side of the child’s mental and physical health.

Then as the child child jumps into the teen years the endless sacrifices of Junior High / middle school activities , reports,  projects, science fairs, band , or even athletics which involves  a whole new set of sports not limited to basketball, baseball / softball, football, soccer, swimming, etcetera.  The list is endless and with each of these comes a list of places to go and things to do, and outfits to purchase, and schedules to upkeep, and travel all the while juggling the the rest of the family and the household.

Now the child has reached the time that every mommy fore see’s but hesitated but now has became a reality. Now she’s faced with an emotional sensation of loss and emptiness that begins to overtake her, because in her mind of thinking she isn’t going to be needed anymore and her little bear is planning on plunging into the wide open world whether it be on going away to college, entering  the military,or even moving across town in their own place. They have decided they’re ready to face the world on their ow. If only they realized how they were leaving the mommy,  with a broken heart, an abandoned nest, and a pit in their stomach knowing the right thing to due is to let them venture off, but at the same time the overwhelming void she now has to face after having been so useful and busy tending to all those wonderful events and milestones in her child’s life all those years, she feels like she now has no purpose and therefore has nothing to do with her spare time, purposeless.

But the mommy’s sacrifices don’t end there as she begins to realize. Her child is in need of of her wisdom, her kind words, and on occasions her pocketbook when times get rough. The mommy is always willing to lend an open hand and to be there no matter the reason, no matter where or when, she is dedicated to help and assist at all costs, She immediately drops whatever she’s doing and turns to face the child with ever so much love, admiration, and pride and goes to them with wide open arms. Because to a mommy that’s not a sacrifice it’s a feeling of being needed and wanted and to a mommy it’s the only thing she desires from her child(ren) is to be needed, respected, and loved unconditionally. Because a mommy’s love is just that unconditional and everlasting!

Now graduation from college and the child’s heart has been shared by another, her/his perfect mate for life. The one they plan on spending the rest of their life with. So they need the mommy’s approval and guidance. So mommy’s offer all they can and give the to the child their blessing and continue to be supportive in all decisions the child makes.

Then the mommy gets a call and says “You’re a grandma”! The overwhelming joy that overcomes is unbearable!  The immediate love that the mommy has for that grand baby is inexplicable. So immediately the need longed for has returned the only difference is after the spoiling of the grand baby the mommy (also aka Nana) gets to return the grandchild to their mommy till the next encounter and the cycle of life continues through the new mommy.

Now some may think these aren’t and some will sacrifices. But I will say this for certain, not one parent that I know would ever want to take back a single memory or a single step because for her, the sacrifices were justifiable. Her child(ren) were and are worth every second of every day of every moment that they put forth those “sacrifices” and never once looked at them as a sacrifice but as an honor. That’s A Mommy’s Love – Justifiable Sacrifices.

Copyright © 2015 by Josephine Rojas. All rights reserved.

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