
redrose66 / May 31, 2015 / True Life Event

 Aunties are the people that the nieces and nephews feel they can come to when they need nonjudgmental honest sound advice without repercussions, secrets that will be kept private, an open minded thought as well as an open heart, thoughts of wisdom, a place to hide or get away from for a short spell, an open door policy with (NSA) no strings attached, an occasional shoulder to cry on, or even for just a friend to bend an ear.

 Aunties always strive to be supportive and understanding as well as empathetic with her nieces and nephews while trying to keep an open mind setting absorbing as much input necessary to make an evaluation based on full knowledge in case advice is required somewhere down the line in the near future.

 Aunties are loving and giving, offering and accepting their nieces and nephews for their choices in life as well as their flaws. Not always approving, mind you, but accepting even though it isn’t always easy. But they do strive to offer the best advice possible to try and correct a wrong or help mend a broken heart or even offer hugs or an ear if that’s what’s required at the time.

Aunties always leave their invites open to their nieces and nephews as an open-door policy. Any time they need assistance, a helping hand, or a place to hide out for a few hours to clear their heads or to avoid a potential situation, that way they know they always have somewhere to go where they will never be turned away,

Aunties are scape-goats sort of speak. Sometimes they can be used as an excuse as to why the niece or nephew didn’t get that opportunity to accomplish that certain task or remember to go somewhere they may not have really wanted to attend in the first place. Other times if the niece or nephew didn’t want anyone to know where they were at that particular time they would be protected. If they had certain information and didn’t want it revealed it would remain private. If they wanted to know how to explain, share some information, or just didn’t know how to explain certain information they could get her to either explain it lightly to the someone for them, keep it a secret for them whichever they decided, or help them with an explanation that might be useful.

 Aunties try to offer to their nieces and nephews the same consideration and love as they do with their own children, with open loving arms and a warm compassionate heart, or a shoulder to cry on. But sometimes a warm meal and a cool beverage is nice or maybe a place to lay their weary worrisome heads for a short spell. At times just a friend to hang out with is all that’s required. Someone to drink coffee with or some tea and laugh about silly people on YouTube and Facebook. No matter the reason, it’s always worthy of the times well spent.

 Aunties love their nieces and nephews and form bonds with them enough to last a lifetime. They learn how to communicate with them and understand them as to be able to be part of their daily lives. But this can only happen if the niece or nephew is willing to come forth and accept this love and affection. 

 Aunties extend their love and kindness to their nieces and nephews off-springs as well, giving them the same open heart and mind that has continuously been given to them their whole life. The trust, the compassion, the love, the hugs, the bonding, and the emotional support is always there through thick and thin never breaking.

 Aunties are titled Great Aunties to their nieces and nephews off-spring because of those special qualities that they bare and carry with them. The nieces and nephews want that loving bond to be carried through to their children so they to can experience all the fun times, joys, and laughter they have so often experienced throughout their own personal lives.

 Aunties go with or take her nieces and nephews places spending quality times with them enjoying their play times at parks, pizza parlors, restaurants, and other social gatherings. Also going with the nieces and nephews children to these fun events and spending those fond memories and watching the Great nieces and nephews as they grow, jump, hop, skip, and play.

Aunties take lots of pictures of all of these special moments in their timeline in order to capture the bliss and joy in the expressions of the little ones as they smile, giggle, play, and express their little personalities in their every action in order that they can relive those moments through print enlightening their memories and reminding them that there is good things still out there and sometimes it takes children to bring those thoughts back to life.

 Aunties immensely enjoy spending these moments with her nieces and nephews as well as her Great nieces and nephews and being able to part of their lives and loving them as their own children and grandchildren knowing they’re not, but in their hearts feeling like they are. Because to them they are just as special!

 Aunties will always hold dear to their hearts all the fond memories shared with their nieces and nephews through the years and will always strive to keep a hold onto that bond and keep an open line of communication till the end of time while stretching that to the Greatest string of off-springs.

Dedicated to all of my nieces and nephews and the Greats too!

Copyright © 2015 by Josephine Rojas. All rights reserved.

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