Good People Doing Good Things- Is The Appreciation Really There?

redrose66 / June 3, 2015 / Life Experiences

 When someone needs a helping hand one would like to believe that appreciation would be the natural response, and in some situations this is a factor that comes into play, however, normally it’s sort of like the person asking for the favor knows that the one they’re going to ask the favor from will say “yes” and therefore it is expected. Even though there is no money exchanging hands. It’s often offered but never accepted.

Yet when the one that does the favors with open arms and an open heart later asks for a favor, although unconnected and not reminding them of the favors given, no matter how many favors were granted in the past, it seems that the favor requested is never convenient therefore is nearly always denied and forgotten leaving them not wanting to ask for future favors because more than likely they will wind up completing the task themselves anyways.

 Now when other people are known to never do favors for others, those are the ones that seem to get the undeserved respect. Maybe because of the idea that since the answer is always “no” then everyone has no expectations from them? Yet it appears that they are the ones that gain the most respect and appreciation. Not to mention  that ironically they get favors done for them from the very people they themselves always deny favors from. Fairness is not a factor here.

 In my personal experience, this is what usually happens in my family, the one that is selfish and had no respect or desire to assist anyone and that is cruel to the kind people that give, are the very ones that obtain the most and has no cares for the lowly and meek. Whereas the the one with the least accepts the favor with no demands and rarely never asking for anything in return even though they know the money would come in handy because they don’t have much. They look at it like this you give free you receive free. Just like the song by Clay Walker  “The Chain Of Love”  perceives

 So even though the world is whacked and the appreciation may not be as it should and the evil ones seem to get the praises, in the end the low man on the totem pole is the one best blessed because he does what is true to his heart and lives through love. The the flip side, the ones with the most, in my personal experience looks at their treasures as a priority and love is just a matter of convenience rather than something viewed as a treasure like the meek ones view love.

Copyright © 2015 by Josephine Rojas. All rights reserved.

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