Rainbow Town

 redrose66 / June 9, 2015 / Story Time

 On the outside of a big city named Color City was a little town named Rainbow Town. This is how Rainbow Town got its name.

 One day when the great rains came passing through Color City all the colors began to run through the city in a rapid flowing river. The heavy rains and the strong winds rushed through the city with all the colors just pouring in! 

 The river current carried with it all of colors from Color City and as the river flowed with these colors they were beautiful. But the colors were mixing, running side by side as if it were a traveling rainbow.

 As the water flowed it caused the ground to ground to change colors and shapes. It transformed the colors of the trees and the rocks. Everything the river water touched it changed the colors to look like rainbows!

 Oh how the people were excited! The colors were so bright and cheerful. Everyone was happy with their new town. That’s when this little town was developed and the people called it Rainbow Town because everything was as bright and beautiful as a rainbow.

                                                                            -The End

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