Strange Eats

redrose66 / June 10, 2015 / Just for Laughs

So do you ever get the feeling somebody’s watching you eat? Well, I do and it’s probably because I have what some would say “strange eating habits”.

 Okay I’ll give you an example even though I’m giving up something that’s now going to be obvious to the public eye now.

 Here goes, so I have this issue where I can’t seem to eat foods that are touching other foods on my plate. If the food touches another food and it was unintended or not suppose to be eaten as one unit, I refuse to eat the touching part of the food, avoiding it by eating around it thus leaving the touching parts behind.

 What? Is that so strange, honestly? Just because I have an issue with my food touching and refuse to eat any foods that have touched other foods, unless it was meant to be? Like peanut butter and jelly, you know what I mean? What about pea’s n carrots as Forest Gump says?

 I have a slight addition to contribute to that little “pet peeve” of mine. Okay, so I have to eat all of one item on the plate before moving on to eat the next item. That’s not so bad, right? I mean everyone has some silly things that they like to do, huh?

  I’ll give you a “for instance”. My son’s both of them enjoy playing the “mix-it-all-up” game. That’s where they get all the food on their plate and mix it all up! Yeah that’s right, together. Ewe, I totally gross out and have to try and not look at their plates in order to be able to stomach my own food, if you catch my drift.

 Do you know what their response is when I ask them why they mix it all up? They respond with sarcasm saying sincerely mind you, “Well it all comes out together, so what’s the difference?” Really, are they kidding me? No, no their not. They really believe this statement to be true.

 Well not only that but people eat strange combinations of foods that I would never have even conceived the idea of putting together such as these examples:

 My boy’s also like to get several different types of cereal  such as “Lucky Charms”, “Rice Krispies”, and “Cocoa Puffs” and combine them in a “Jethro Bowl”, (like the old TV program , THE BEVERLY HILLBILLIES. Personally, I choose my cereal one at a time.

Have you heard of adding ranch dressing on pizza? As confessions would have it, I’ve actually tried it and it’s very tasty, never the less originally when it was introduced to me by my strange children, it was like, um how bout no, was basically the way I looked at it but eventually I came around.

 So my boy’s ridicule me for putting mustard on my potatoes. That’s a great condiment, (I hope I put the right word in there, spellchecker likes to play tricks on me you know?) Anyways, so my daughter happens to share my taste in this potato n mustard thing, so I’m okay with that.

 Now putting ketchup on potatoes, like mashed potatoes, not so cool in my eyes but hey, to each his own, I always say. People enjoy putting ketchup on green veggies as well, really? What’s that about? But yet again, everyone’s entitled to his /her own likes and dislikes.

 My husband thinks I’m strange because I make peanut butter and butter sandwiches. I happen to think they’re awesome. My babysitter introduced it to me back when I was a toddler (low budget eating).

 Oh hey, something that I really can’t stomach is Potted Meat. OMG! It tastes like liverwurst. This stuff comes in small little tin cans just like dog or cat food. It was probably intended for animals until someone decided to taste it one day. It even smells nasty. Yuk, now that I’ve pondered about it longer, if that stuff isn’t nasty enough, just imagine adding Miracle Whip to it. Yeah, my kiddo likes that crazy combination, go figure.

  By the way, this is just my opinion and by no means defines the people that actually enjoy this product. I just happen not to personally care for it, hence the sarcasm.

 Both my husband and my daughter like to add that “Miracle Whip” salad dressing to their peas as well. It’s not just for sandwiches anymore folks, just sayin’.

 Some foods I know that are good for me but I just can not get myself to eat due to the horrific flavors are but not limited to: Liver (the organ that body poisons filter through), Lima Beans (almost colorless), Turnips (gag me with a spoon), Peas (sets off my gag reflex to kick in), Broccoli (the gasser-attacker), Cauliflower (the white tree), Sauerkraut (the pucker-upper), and Raw Meats that are served as “Rare” (they mind as well call it bleeding or freshly killed).

 I’m very particular about the way I prepare some of my foods before eating them. I have this certain way of eating my French Toast for instance. First of all it has to be cooked well and left dry, squished or flattened, with only salt and pepper. That’s it. No butter, no toppings, just plain, flat, and dry with salt n pepper.

 There’s more but I’m not going to reveal all my strange and unusual habits with my readers, other than that where would the mystery be?

 I hope you enjoyed this little tid-bit of information. It was meant to be entertaining not to offend or upset anyone. So hopefully everyone will read it as it was intended.

  Feel free to share your likes and dislikes and strange habits and return the laughs for others to chuckle about.


 Copyright © 2015 by Josephine Rojas. All rights reserved.


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