Joy and Laughter

redrose66 / June 16, 2015 / Poems

Joy and laughter

Happiness ever after

Children playing

Backyard gaming

Animals grazing

People praising

Flowers scent

A wonder accent

Camping in a tent

Feeling content

A delightful meal

Watching a seal

Holding a baby

Remembering the eighties

Hot biscuits and gravy

White daisies

Smell of spring

Birds spreading their wings

Smells of barbecues

Meats of tender chew

Foods made in summer

Made without blunders

Sea gulls squawking

Soft voices talking

A walk through the park

Watching stars in the dark

Family time together

Tears of joy forever

Time with him shared

Love of he who cared

Joy and laughter

Happiness ever after

Copyright © 2015 by Josephine Rojas. All rights reserved.


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