Toilet Paper Option A or B?

redrose66 / June 18, 2015 / For Fun


Think about your options. If you pick “A” have you thought about someone having dirty hands and maybe possibly being in a hurry and touching the wall thus spreading germs? What if the toilet paper touched the wall or your knuckles or hands and you picked up those nasty contaminants? Now you may have them on your privates or bottom side.


And what if there’s a cockroach or a spider or something hiding there lurking anticipating your  attempt to grasp the paper so it can crawl with it’s creepy little legs up on your hand following up your arm…that is an eerie thought, No?

 Say you decided to pick “B” what could happen there? Well I think that the worse thing might be that an animal or child might decide to play with it repetitiously smacking the roll, spinning it rapidly causing the paper to over flow onto the floor, then possibly attempting to roll it back leaving a big ball of unorganized, unsanitary paper all balled up leaving an unpleasant appearance.

 There are a select few that may have obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) that don’t appreciate the wrinkles in the front of the toilet paper roll and thus chooses to use selection “A” due to that disorder.


(Option “C”?)


 Think of the invisible option “C” which would be the answer that some would choose even though there’s no option “C”. These individuals place their roll on top of the toilet roll dispenser, countertop, on the back of the commode, or unfortunately on the floor. What could possibly go wrong there? Hmmmm?

 First of all when you are getting ready to use it, how do you hold it? Normally your two fingers closest to the thumb go into the center of the roll. Then you would naturally unroll it clockwise around your other hand, right? Okay. Now picture that the last person that may have used it. What if they did not wipe their privates or their butt correctly and leaving the possibility of contaminating the inside of that tube and now your fingers just went in the same cylinder and thus carrying the germs they left behind potentially contamination your areas of secrecy? Doesn’t that sound grand? What if the toilet paper roll is placed close to the toilet where while pulling up your britches or such you bump it and it lands inside the commode?  Or maybe the person before you fumbled it and dropped it on the floor?  What if it was placed on the floor where everybody walks transferring any and all the nastiness they may have brought with them and you’re sharing them with your personal darkened areas zones where those germs can fester! Collective germs, it happens.

 I, myself choose “B” because of its advantages which are: 1. You’re able to unroll it with ease because it’s naturally facing you. 2. You don’t have to touch a potentially contaminated wall because the tissue doesn’t touch the wall. 3. You don’t have to worry about a bug hiding because as the roll spins it would lose its balance and fall. 4. You don’t have to touch the inside of the roll after someone else therefore not picking up any germs or contaminants. 5. Because you don’t have to overreach. 6. Worry if had fallen in the commode prior to your needing to use it and thus contaminating it with all the nastiness that toilets have the potential of carrying even after sanitized..

Copyright © 2015 by Josephine Rojas. All rights reserved.


2 thoughts on “Toilet Paper Option A or B?

  1. It seems to me like the spider picture is more of an argument for option A than against. At least you can see the spider, whereas if one chose over it creates a lil hidden spot behind the paper for creepy crawlies to hide.


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