
redrose66 / June 23, 2015 / Family

 The stereotype grandparents are generally pictured as either elderly or in their late fifties early sixties and often even older, but that’s not always the case.

 Personally, I birthed my first child at the age of 17 and he fathered his first child at age of 24; therefore I became a Nana at the age of 42. So in considering this I still probably have a little more stamina than my mother did when she had me at the age of 27. Now at the age of 48 I have a total of three grandchildren, (and two step-grandchildren but they don’t know me).

 One thing I enjoy about being a grandparent is that the little bears look forward to seeing you after not having seen you in awhile and thus look for you when you’re not around.

 They love asking questions and grandparents are always full of answers hopefully wise ones. They question the reason “why” you did this or “why” you did that, etcetera.

 Outings are nice because you can show them all the things that they have yet to discover and watch their little expressions of awe as they finally do.

 Grandparents can take them places like the movies buy them popcorn, soda, and candy and rock them sleep when they become tiresome. Yes, at the theater the little ones seem to always become tired after sitting on Nana’s lap and crash out, (must be the natural swaying of the legs).

 Grandparents can spoil the little bears and give them the extra attention they may not be use to because mommy and daddy work or in some cases the parents don’t take the time out of their busy schedules for whatever their reasons.

 It gives the little bears a chance to bond and learn things that only a grandparent can have patience for. Like having them stand on a chair in the kitchen and be the little baker’s assistant while given instructions in the most calm and simple way to make it easy for the little one to catch on and not to feel frustrated.

  Best of all the little bear hugs n kisses! Nothing can replace the overwhelming feeling a grandparent gets when a little bear gives them a loving hug and gives them a tiny little peck on the cheek and says “I love you”. Oh, the thrill it brings!

 It promotes delight when the grandparent is able to spend quality time to do just the simple basic things that makes the little bear’s heart rejoice. Interacting with the grandchildren blowing bubbles, playing in the yard, teaching them crafts by using their noggins and hands, teaching them patience.

 In some cases, mine as an exception, the grandparents may not have been able to have spent the quality time with their children because life happened or unforeseen occurrences and now they feel the opportunity has come for them to make up for that lost time by transference of the child to the grandchild. There’s nothing wrong with that if you ask me at least they are able to remain in their child’s and grandchildren’s lives and to show their love.

 Grandparents have a tendency to take things at a slower pace then they did when raising their own children so this gives us the opportunity to do some of the things we did with our own children but now we can actually see the difference it makes in the little eyes and listen to how it affects the little bears by their little words of expression.

 We’re able to listen to their thoughts and ideas and sometimes implement them because we have time to ponder on them. We always strive to come up with new ideas ourselves to do different things with them just to see their reaction and keep things interesting for them always watching their reactions and expressions to see if it made an impact on them.

 Grandchildren are the light of our lives and we would not be complete without them any more than we would if we had no children. They are an extension of our children and thus help us to remember when our children were very young.

 Being a grandparent is an everlasting elation no matter what age because even if you don’t have any money, or are low on stamina there is always things to do or share with your grandchildren. Whether it is thoughts shared, milestones to make, story time, or welcoming little bear hugs & kisses, there are tons of everlasting memories waiting to be shared and forever not to be forgotten. Children are our future and grandchildren are our world!

 Dedicated to all the grandparents who make a difference in their grandchildren’s lives!

Copyright © 2015 by Josephine Rojas. All rights reserved.



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