
redrose66 / July 7, 2015 / Just for Laughs / Family

Okay all you Grandfather’s out there, it’s time to take a stand and make a name for yourselves or else you will be marked for life, doomed to be called a made up name, an imaginary friend, or a strange letter of the alphabet with a bear claw’se!

It happens like this, you have your children and even though you expect they will grow up and have children of their own you and kind of assume that the little bears, your grandchildren will call you grandpa or gramps or maybe it never even crosses your mind, till one day when you go to a barber shop and the barber decides to tell you a little story on how he got his grandparent “title” or “name”.

It goes like this, as your sitting down getting your usual natural man’s haircut and nice clean shave with a straight razor from your usual Barber,  he suddenly asks you a bold question out of nowhere, “So, do you have grandchildren?” You respond, “Yes, why do you ask?” He responds with yet another question, “What do they call you?” You ponder on it for a moment and say, “Umm, I’m not really sure, I think they call me ‘Grandpa’..?”

Todd, the Barber continues to speak, “I have to say that if you don’t have a name already picked out, you had better pick it out before they do. You won’t have any say so once they have made up their minds and label you I guarantee that much!”

One day after not having set a name for myself as to what title I would have chosen for my grandchildren to call me, my grandson came over for a visit, he ran up to me after not having seen me in like a year saying, ‘Hi, P-Paw’! And I was absolutely flabbergasted. I looked at my daughter with awe wondering what foreign speech just escaped his lips, because last time I saw him he didn’t even know how to talk! Now he calls me a letter that we as a natural frequently do to release our bodily fluids then followed by an animal’s foot?” Can you imagine? I have the strangest name I’ve ever heard! So I’m titled, marked for eternity as a ‘P-Paw’” “Now don’t think I didn’t try to convince him to change that name to like ‘Grandpa’ or ‘Pops” but he just wouldn’t have it because his mind was made up and there was no way to sway him I assure you.”

Now this was an experience I felt the need to pass along to warn all you procrastinating soon to be grandparents in order that you have your title pre-set or you may be doomed to have a strange and unusual name that is not reversible.

So be prepared and enjoy your grandchildren.


This was dedicated to my husband and his Barber, Todd.

Copyright © 2015 by Josephine Rojas. All rights reserved.


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