A Spider’s Revenge

redrose66 / August 12, 2015 / Story Time 


One day I came home from a long day of running errands and as I exited my vehicle I noticed there was a very large spider that had webbed across my parked truck and extending toward and across my front porch blocking my walkway to my entrance of my front door. So naturally I get a stick and swipe down the web in order to be able to get that creepy eight-legged creature off my porch and out of my walkway in order to enter my home.

 Not but two or three hours later, I had to run yet another errand and I’ll be darned if that spider didn’t decide to take revenge on me! Low and behold that spider had webbed all the way across my entire front porch weaving back and forth as if to entrap me for his next dinner upon my exit of my front door! I had to literally wave my arms to and fro as I squealed like a pig freaking out upon my dissension of the steps off of my front porch not certain as to his whereabouts at the time. I searched around for him but he was playing hide n seek with me and he was winning!


 I was pressed for time but before I departed I made sure to get that stick and once again swoop it across the porch and wipe away all traces of those webs that that creepy critter left in my pathway. Okay, so I left for short spell about an hour to an hour and a half but upon my return I’ll be darned if that damn long legged beast wasn’t awaiting my arrival right on the outside of my screen door anticipating my arrival.

 Oh, but I had had it! I had given this arachnid his last chance to clear the field and move on down the road but he wanted to be persistent so he met his demise. I picked up that stick and attempted to gouge it but not before he climbed up on my stick approaching me with honor!


 Well I finally banged the stick and stabbed it till it folded into a ball  and fell down to the porch then I got my bug spray to assure he was done for and finished him off and left him for dead! I will not be intimidated by that crazy arthropod any further. He will not be returning to get revenge on me ever again. I have prevailed!


Copyright © 2015 by Josephine Rojas. All rights reserved.

Goodbye Daddy

redrose66 /  August 10, 2015 / Poems / Life Happens

Many Milestones Walked, Many Voices Talked.

Many Paths Crossed, Many Spirits Lost.

Many Places Traveled, Many Stories Unraveled.

Many Wives Bound, Many Young Around.

Many Years of Service taken in Stride, Many Americans taking Pride.

Many Lives Encountered, Many Hearts Shattered.

Many Smiles Cared, Many Memories Shared.

Many Times I mowed your lawn Up, Many Cups of Coffee & Donuts.

Many Hours of Computer Lessons, Many Celebrations of Special Occasions.

Many Times we raised our Glasses, Many Times we laughed our Asses.

Many Health Challenges, Many Caused Damages.

Many Cures were Searched, Many Hopes of more time on Earth.

Many Treatments Had, Many Days were Sad.

Many Years of Joy, Many Cells Destroyed.

Many Times I have Prayed., Many Times he was Brave.

Many will be Glad to Know, Many Pains have ceased to Show.

Many Words Unspoken, Many Hearts now Broken.

Many Pains Felt, Many Ways Dealt.

Many Prayers Spoken, Many Tears Approaching.

Many Years now gone Alarms, Many Angels with open Arms.

Many Thanks and Praises from Above, Many Visits from White Doves.

Many will cry because he’s Gone, Many will have to remain Strong.

Many just want to say Goodbye, Many will find it difficult to Try.

Many will be Sad, Many for Love they Had.

Many will feel Reprieved, Many through all this Grief.

 Many words I can never Say, Many will Know & Feel as I do Today.

Many when they Hear these last Words if I May?


Love, your youngest daughter,

 Josephine Carol (Force) Rojas


                        DAD OLD MOTORCYCLE    the old man


August 11, 1937 – July 31, 2015

77 Years 11 Months 20 Days

He Was 77 Years Young

redrose66/ August 10, 2015 / Life Happens

He was 77 years young but lived a full life. He had a large family but now holds hands with his wife. He left behind lots of fond memories and has five children that are over a half a century. (Excluding me and one other from the same mother). Continue reading He Was 77 Years Young