Taking baby steps to making my way into the world, and yes it can be challenging and exhausting.

I recently started writing again and decided I wanted to get some of my work published.

Writing children’s books is a dream come true to me because it opens the minds of wonders and imagination to the little ones either just becoming alert to reading, or those that love to play with nonsense, fun, education, and laughter. To me, writing them is simply an inexplicable joy.

The problems began when I didn’t have an illustrator for these stories. I did all sorts of research on illustrators and then realized it was exhausting. I then tried to draw my own illustrations finding out that my imagination has it’s limits. I went to my blog, this one, to see when my last posting was. Well, it has been years. I opened this blog in 2015. I decided it was time to open up the spectrum and try to get noticed. I started by reanalyzing what I want my blog to represent. I organized my thinking a bit and wah-la. It still needs work. I’m thinking I need some advice on that. I then re-opened several other social media sites I once used. These are sights such as LinkedIn, Messenger, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. Not sure how I’m going to swing them all yet. We shall see.

While on LinkedIn, I found a place called ProFinder where I could post a job request for my particular interest. In this case, I’m in need of an illustrator. Within about 5-6 hours I began getting some proposals. I was so excited and nervous, as I still am to be honest. Now after having spoken with a few of them, I came to the conclusion I have some difficult decisions to make. They all do very good work. I feel that they are going to be able to help me in ways I could never have done on my own. I’m just starting to poke my head out and am basically clueless as to what to really expect. I will update as I cross that bridge.

I wanted to share my experiences with others by using this blog expanding it to Facebook, though in doing so apparently I needed to open an additional page, a business page. It walked me through it but this is all just wowing me. I set it up and I was able to link this sight to my new Facebook Business Page. They then began to offer many choices which can be costly and I’m not at a place where that is something I’m ready to take on at this time. I’m taking baby steps. I first need to have those illustrations. While on Facebook, I reached out to my regular friends and family inviting them to my new page so they can receive my current blogs, thus support me during this trying time. This has been a busy day for me learning new things and trying to explore the world of internet with crossing wires in every direction. I hope that everyone will enjoy my experiences as much as I do as you follow me through this maze. I’m looking forward to coming up with new ideas to keep my audience interested. Let me know if I can help you get started on a blog. I’m learning more all the time! Feel free to like and follow. Visit as often as possible. I need all the support you can offer! Thank you, Stay tuned!

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