Does your mind ever wander when your sitting alone in the quiet? Does it have the tendency to make you wander into different places or times?

Here’s my thoughts on the matter. Thoughts or actions that affect our daily lives sometimes play a role in some of our thoughts. I believe the mind may take this information and wash it, twist it, or maybe even distort it.

Dreams often occur in the same manor. One could be stressing out about a project or a deadline at work, that information along with their lifestyles, social networking, family life, daily routines, exercise, and responsibilities such as bills and financial debt. All of these factors can get jumbled up with a multitude of images one may have recently encountered causing one of many various networks of possible outcomes to emerge (normally not all at once), bringing to light new ideas, thoughts, (not always great ones), and images especially when it’s quiet, one’s alone, or dreaming.

Test the Theory

Try and evaluate your next strange idea or thought by recalling details of your recent activities maybe figure out if something that occurred in your life may have flipped that switch in your thought process.

My Personal Test

I was thinking about both of my parents yesterday, looking through photographs and how I wished they were still here with me. They are both gone now but I have our memories of fun times and laughter like when we went to the beach, played games such as Croquet & Monopoly, and fun times as a family at the lake & travel. Then I thought of some boys I know that grew up without their daddy. He passed away when they were very young. That was what I was thinking in the quiet yesterday afternoon 9/12/19 .

My Outcome

This is where my mind wandered yesterday for a bit. A poem came to mind.

Something is Missing

By Josephine Carol Force-Rojas

Together laughing and Playing

And “I love You” sayings

Years past by and soon came the tears

Quiet was all we could hear

Sounds of laughter were far from near

Daddy was gone I wish he was here

A child should have a male bonding

Something I have for so long been longing

Grown up a family of my own

Wishing I knew how not to feel all alone

Remembering the laughing and playing

And “I Love You” sayings

Finding difficulties trying to cope

Looking to them and him for some kind of hope

Unable to be the way I should be

For my father was gone before I was three

Warm breeze wisps through palms of the trees

Sounds of Seagulls and whipping seas

Finally a sense of peace

Joining Him now I am at ease.

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