The Wait is Over! My Book, “Ringo Rhino Tries To Fit In” Has Been Published!

“Ringo Rhino Tries To Fit In” is available for purchase just in time for the 2019 Holidays!

I’m excited to announce that my first published children’s book is now on the market and ready to be purchased! “Ringo Rhino Tries To Fit In” is only the beginning of my exciting and adventurous books to come!

“Ringo Rhino Tries To Fit In” is focused on ages 4-8 years of age but is fun to read for all ages!

Look for my book ‘Ringo Rhino Tries To Fit In” in three forms; hardback, softback, and e-book forms. Soon to be sold in local department stores nationally as well as internationally! (at least that’s my goal). 🙂

I am planning on future book signings and book tours for my book, “Ringo Rhino Tries To Fit In”. Maybe, I will even get a chance to read my book in your children’s school library some day? So stay tuned and be certain to pick your child, grandchild, niece, or nephew up a copy available just in time for the holidays!

If you’re interested in my talented new illustrator, Faith Marie Force, let me know.

You can find me on Facebook (Books N Blogs), Twitter, Linked-In, here on WordPress, Pinterest, and Instagram!

Thank you!

Josephine C. Force-Rojas

A Special Announcement: Hot Off the Presses!

I, Josephine, Published My 1st Children’s Book!

It’s called, “Ringo Rhino Tries To Fit In”. It’s about a young rhino whom found it difficult making friends because he was a little freer willed than most. He set out on a mission to gain the friendship of a pink rhino and anyone else that he could. He was always looking for ways to fit in; whether it be with a crowd or even with someone he could call a friend. But all he did was get into troubled situations, sometimes upsetting others along the way. Maybe his mission wasn’t a complete fallout. Maybe he figured out a solution to make a friend or two in order to complete his mission. You will have to read it to find out! Ambition and acceptance with a little patience, can go a long way!

I also have a brand new illustrator I would love to announce! Her name is Faith Marie Force. She is a bright and ambitious young lady with multiple artistic values. I am very excited that she had decided to share this first with me! My first published children’s book and her first illustrated children’s book!

We are both very excited to see our work in print and share the joy with all the children abroad!

“Ringo Rhino Tries To Fit In” will be available in softback, hardback, and eBook versions. I will post the release date as soon as I get word, along with some “key words” to help search! The books will be available to purchase in about 2-3 weeks! Stay Posted!