Happy Mother’s Day Mom & Grandma! You Will Live Forever In Our Children’s Hearts!

Happy Mother’s Day to every Mom and Grandmother out there! I’m aware many of us are still in the Covid-19 lockdown either in part or it’s entirety which makes it difficult for us to reach our loved ones. Always know that a Mother knows how much her children care by actions and words of kindness not necessarily by the cost of a gift.

I understand that some of us may have lost our children or parents in a physical way but spiritually and in our hearts knowing that through us and through our family and offspring our lost loved ones will live on.

This is the second Mother’s Day I am without my Mother’s physical presence but I can see her in the beauty of my daughter, the spirit of her personality in my sons, and her name lives on through me and through that of my granddaughter. She will be forever be remembered through her good deeds and through our many blessings!

Today I will join my siblings in visiting my mother’s resting place and send my blessings in her honor. I love and miss her dearly for we were very close.

This year is the first year of many that I am not spending the weekend at a theme park in celebration of Mother’s Day with my children and grandchildren. Yet yesterday my sons which live near stopped by to visit, each carrying a bouquet of roses! I was very surprised as I had not seen them in weeks! I felt very blessed!

So if you’re feeling sad and low just try to embrace the special qualities of your mother or grandmother and maybe when you look at your heart and your children you will see them live again!

Happy Mother’s Day Mom and GrandMother, I will forever remember you in my thoughts, prayers, and deeds. You will forever live through our children and in our hearts!

A special Thanks to God for helping me see this for the blessing that it is and helping me through these difficult times!