A Spider’s Revenge

redrose66 / August 12, 2015 / Story Time 


One day I came home from a long day of running errands and as I exited my vehicle I noticed there was a very large spider that had webbed across my parked truck and extending toward and across my front porch blocking my walkway to my entrance of my front door. So naturally I get a stick and swipe down the web in order to be able to get that creepy eight-legged creature off my porch and out of my walkway in order to enter my home.

 Not but two or three hours later, I had to run yet another errand and I’ll be darned if that spider didn’t decide to take revenge on me! Low and behold that spider had webbed all the way across my entire front porch weaving back and forth as if to entrap me for his next dinner upon my exit of my front door! I had to literally wave my arms to and fro as I squealed like a pig freaking out upon my dissension of the steps off of my front porch not certain as to his whereabouts at the time. I searched around for him but he was playing hide n seek with me and he was winning!


 I was pressed for time but before I departed I made sure to get that stick and once again swoop it across the porch and wipe away all traces of those webs that that creepy critter left in my pathway. Okay, so I left for short spell about an hour to an hour and a half but upon my return I’ll be darned if that damn long legged beast wasn’t awaiting my arrival right on the outside of my screen door anticipating my arrival.

 Oh, but I had had it! I had given this arachnid his last chance to clear the field and move on down the road but he wanted to be persistent so he met his demise. I picked up that stick and attempted to gouge it but not before he climbed up on my stick approaching me with honor!


 Well I finally banged the stick and stabbed it till it folded into a ball  and fell down to the porch then I got my bug spray to assure he was done for and finished him off and left him for dead! I will not be intimidated by that crazy arthropod any further. He will not be returning to get revenge on me ever again. I have prevailed!


Copyright © 2015 by Josephine Rojas. All rights reserved.

Family Ransom

redrose66 / June 17, 2015 / Family

Sometimes I wish that people were able to read my thoughts. It would take a lot of stress off of my trying to hold them in or worry if I would be hurting their feelings because I would be like an open book where some would read me and enjoy my thoughts while others would steer clear knowing that they themselves are mean, resentful, hurtful, or just plain evil and that they have pushed my patience too far and released an untamed beast. Continue reading Family Ransom

What Is “Love” ?

redrose66 / June 9, 2015 / Poems

Love is Kindness 

Love is Sweet 

Love is Priceless 

Love is Deep 

Love is Righteous 

Love is GOD 

Love is Jesus 

Love is to Adhere 

Love is Honest 

Love is Tears 

Love is Agape 

Love is without Escape 

Love is Sincere 

Love is Happiness 

Love is Dear 

Love is Children 

Love is Laughter 

Love is Forever After!


Copyright © 2015 by Josephine Rojas. All rights reserved.

A Mommy’s Love- Justifiable Sacrifices

redrose66 / June1, 2015 / Family

A mommy’s love begins at conception and is everlasting. She makes the child while making the initial sacrifice of giving herself to the one she loves thus expressing that love through her feelings, emotions, and actions from that point on till the end of time, Continue reading A Mommy’s Love- Justifiable Sacrifices

Family Night is Very Important

by redrose66 / May 29, 2015 / Family

 Since my children were very young we have always set aside at least one night a week to designate as “Family Night”. We used to call it “Game Night” because we didn’t have a lot of money back then every week but we ordered $5.00 pizzas from Little Caesar’s Pizza and always set the same night and played either board games, cards, or the Memory Game every week. Since 1998 it has been almost consistently the same night every week rarely changing. Some of our favorite board games were Candy-land, Chutes and Ladders, Sorry, Trouble, and  Monopoly. Some of the card games included Skip-Bo, Phase 10, Uno, and Shit, I know the kids called it Crap but adults you know we say it like it was taught to us. Continue reading Family Night is Very Important

“The Slip”

by redrose66 / May 28, 2015/ Just For Laughs

So I withdrew $20.00 from my account for a just in case situation would come up and put it in my pants pocket. Later I found a twenty dollar bill laying on the table so I started checking my pockets to see if I had possibly misplaced my money. Sure enough I could not locate my money anywhere. My husband then tells me that he found twenty dollars on the sofa and was wondering if it was mine. So I said, “More than likely because I had put a twenty in my pocket and now I can’t seem to locate it”. He said he had placed it on the table. I love that he’s so honest!  Continue reading “The Slip”

Going Public Can Be Terrifying

by redrose66 / May 27, 2015 / New Experiences

 Well, this is a new adventure for me reaching out into the public and spreading my wings if you will. This is Day 1 for me and I’m not real certain I’m doing all this right but some friends of mine gave me great advice and some incentive so here I am.

I guess the whole blogging thing takes time before it catches on with the public but it’s my hope that once I get the ball rolling that maybe I can make a difference. Maybe one day I’ll get a book published but for now I have to take these baby steps. Continue reading Going Public Can Be Terrifying

Hello Crazy World!

by redrose66 / May 27, 2015 / Introduction

It is a crazy world out there with everything moving so fast and technology flying through space, but me, I’m merely a simple person with an open mind always thinking and wondering.

I would like to be able to express my opinions in the hope that some day I may make a positive impact on the lives of those who show an interest of a common denominator. I hope I am able to accomplish these goals through my experiences, thoughts, ideas, and inspire or at least peak your interests.

I also would like to hear some of your ideas and input as well as some of your experiences so together we may improve the lives of all the readers. Please feel free to comment or add your share something you feel might be encouraging to someone in order to better improve the lifestyles or at least encourage others in a positive manner.

I have set up ways to like, follow, rate, or contact me in relation to my posts. Feel free to browse about and positive advice is always welcome. (I’m still new at this blogging stuff)

Smile everyone, because there’s always tomorrow and another ray of sunshine!

Thank You and Enjoy!

Copyright © 2015 by Josephine Rojas. All rights reserved.