Happy Mother’s Day Mom & Grandma! You Will Live Forever In Our Children’s Hearts!

Happy Mother’s Day to every Mom and Grandmother out there! I’m aware many of us are still in the Covid-19 lockdown either in part or it’s entirety which makes it difficult for us to reach our loved ones. Always know that a Mother knows how much her children care by actions and words of kindness not necessarily by the cost of a gift.

I understand that some of us may have lost our children or parents in a physical way but spiritually and in our hearts knowing that through us and through our family and offspring our lost loved ones will live on.

This is the second Mother’s Day I am without my Mother’s physical presence but I can see her in the beauty of my daughter, the spirit of her personality in my sons, and her name lives on through me and through that of my granddaughter. She will be forever be remembered through her good deeds and through our many blessings!

Today I will join my siblings in visiting my mother’s resting place and send my blessings in her honor. I love and miss her dearly for we were very close.

This year is the first year of many that I am not spending the weekend at a theme park in celebration of Mother’s Day with my children and grandchildren. Yet yesterday my sons which live near stopped by to visit, each carrying a bouquet of roses! I was very surprised as I had not seen them in weeks! I felt very blessed!

So if you’re feeling sad and low just try to embrace the special qualities of your mother or grandmother and maybe when you look at your heart and your children you will see them live again!

Happy Mother’s Day Mom and GrandMother, I will forever remember you in my thoughts, prayers, and deeds. You will forever live through our children and in our hearts!

A special Thanks to God for helping me see this for the blessing that it is and helping me through these difficult times!

The Wait is Over! My Book, “Ringo Rhino Tries To Fit In” Has Been Published!

“Ringo Rhino Tries To Fit In” is available for purchase just in time for the 2019 Holidays!

I’m excited to announce that my first published children’s book is now on the market and ready to be purchased! “Ringo Rhino Tries To Fit In” is only the beginning of my exciting and adventurous books to come!

“Ringo Rhino Tries To Fit In” is focused on ages 4-8 years of age but is fun to read for all ages!

Look for my book ‘Ringo Rhino Tries To Fit In” in three forms; hardback, softback, and e-book forms. Soon to be sold in local department stores nationally as well as internationally! (at least that’s my goal). 🙂

I am planning on future book signings and book tours for my book, “Ringo Rhino Tries To Fit In”. Maybe, I will even get a chance to read my book in your children’s school library some day? So stay tuned and be certain to pick your child, grandchild, niece, or nephew up a copy available just in time for the holidays!


If you’re interested in my talented new illustrator, Faith Marie Force, let me know.

You can find me on Facebook (Books N Blogs), Twitter, Linked-In, here on WordPress, Pinterest, and Instagram!

Thank you!

Josephine C. Force-Rojas

A Special Announcement: Hot Off the Presses!

I, Josephine, Published My 1st Children’s Book!

It’s called, “Ringo Rhino Tries To Fit In”. It’s about a young rhino whom found it difficult making friends because he was a little freer willed than most. He set out on a mission to gain the friendship of a pink rhino and anyone else that he could. He was always looking for ways to fit in; whether it be with a crowd or even with someone he could call a friend. But all he did was get into troubled situations, sometimes upsetting others along the way. Maybe his mission wasn’t a complete fallout. Maybe he figured out a solution to make a friend or two in order to complete his mission. You will have to read it to find out! Ambition and acceptance with a little patience, can go a long way!

I also have a brand new illustrator I would love to announce! Her name is Faith Marie Force. She is a bright and ambitious young lady with multiple artistic values. I am very excited that she had decided to share this first with me! My first published children’s book and her first illustrated children’s book!

We are both very excited to see our work in print and share the joy with all the children abroad!

“Ringo Rhino Tries To Fit In” will be available in softback, hardback, and eBook versions. I will post the release date as soon as I get word, along with some “key words” to help search! The books will be available to purchase in about 2-3 weeks! Stay Posted!

Living With Factor V Leiden And How It Changed My Life

What Is Factor V Leiden – References & Quotes

I would like give a special thanks to these web sites for the information they provided on their online services. Giving credit to them for provided us with useful information.According to the Mayo Clinic Web (https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/factor-v-leiden/symptoms-causes/syc-20372423) they quoted this:

” Factor V Leiden (FAK-tur five LIDE-n) is a mutation of one of the clotting factors in the blood. This mutation can increase your chance of developing abnormal blood clots, most commonly in your legs or lungs.”

This is quoted from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services web (https://rarediseases.info.nih.gov/diseases/6403/factor-v-leiden-thrombophilia) using their GARD Information Navigator,

Factor V Leiden thrombophilia is a genetic disorder that makes it more likely for you to develop a blood clot sometime during your life. Still, it is estimated that 95% of people with factor V Leiden never develop a clot. When a clot does form, the clot most often occurs in your leg (deep venous thrombosis or DVT) or lungs (pulmonary embolism or PE).[1][2] Factor V Leiden is the name of a specific gene mutation in the F5 gene. This gene plays a role in how your body forms blood clots after an injury. People can inherit one or two copies of the factor V Leiden gene mutation. This condition should not be confused with Factor V deficiency, an inherited bleeding disorder that can cause excessive bleeding following surgery or trauma.” Last updated: 7/5/2019

Symptoms Started

It was around the end of November 2009 when I started having pain in the back of my left knee that progressively increased. Eventually redness and swelling occurred. Around a week later a burning sensation overcame as if it was inflamed with fire. The swelling increased rapidly and the leg ached to the point that I had difficulty lifting it as if I was hauling a concrete sack instead of a limb. The more I sat up, stood, or walked it increased all of the symptoms immensely and almost immediately. It was extremely painful.

Near Miss

In December 2009 it continued to worsen. Last straw was an incident at the post office. My leg was swollen, red, burning, and in severe pain especially behind my knee but also the whole leg was feeling heavy, overloaded. I pulled into the post office, as I exited my vehicle (with excruciating pain and much difficulty) an SUV swoops in super fast having me panic. It was appearing not to stop as it continued moving towards me. My first reaction was to jump the curb out of harms way, as I attempted to leap up onto the sidewalk that car finally came to jolted stop (apparently noticing me at the last possible second) nearly hitting me. The problem was I couldn’t lift my leg (on it’s own) not even to leap to save my life! It felt as if I had that foot tarred to the paved parking lot. I literally had to place my hands under my knee to raise it above the sidewalk curb nearly falling due to the offset of balance. That’s when I decided I needed to figure out exactly what was happening. That was scary.

Getting Results

My husband recommended I see a doctor of his choice in which I took his advice. She sent me in to have my leg checked with a test called a Ultrasound (Doppler) test. It was to check the circulation in my leg for damage, obstruction, or DVT’s. After a long process of the radiologist checking my leg, she says, “I need to ask your doctor if she needs any other tests done. I’ll be right back”. We, my husband and I asked her if she saw something we need to be alarmed about. She said, “I just needed to see if the doctor needed any other tests”. But she looked awfully concerned, which worried us. The radiologist came back and said, “Your doctor wants to talk to you”. I asked “Why?” she said, “She wanted to discuss the test results with you”. I went out to the desk to call my doctor but she was already on the phone. My doctor instructed I admit myself immediately into the hospital and that the instructions would be waiting for me there in the admitting office. I asked, Why? What’s happening?” she said, “You need to go now, we’re sending over the orders now.”

The Confusion

On the way to the hospital my husband and I were especially confused. We both knew something wasn’t good but had no idea what was happening or why I was being sent to the hospital. Nothing was explained by the Radiology testing facility exactly what was going on. The doctor rushed us with urgency still we were clueless. The only thing we knew was we were to go to the hospital and I needed to check in immediately.

At The Hospital – Admitting

After we arrived at the hospital we went to the Admitting Office and approached the “check in” window. The receptionist was concerned asking us, “Why are you checking into the hospital”? We had explained we were sent there from the testing facility which was instructed by my doctor to go to the hospital after the test was complete. They told me I must admit myself into the hospital. I went on explaining it was my understanding the testing facility and the doctor would send them information. The admitting lady was so confused but eventually she received the proper documentation and I was admitted approximately two hours later.

As A Patient

Just having been rolled into the first available room, doctors and nurses came in from all different directions bombarded me with questions, concerns, needles, blood pressure cuffs, linen, clipboards, (that was a thing in 2009) and tests. All concerned with why I was there, and what brought me there. I told them I honestly didn’t know. Finally after it was explained to me that I had a blood clot . That’s all they said. I was given an IV with fluids, Dextrose to keep me hydrated. Also I was given stomach injections of Lovenox every 2-4 hours. I was sent to a specialty floor after having been there two days.

Specialty Floor

Arriving on the specialty floor a doctor approached me with great concern. I understood the fact I had a blood clot but had no direction of expectation. After being poked, probed every couple hours, tested with x-rays of my heart, brain, and lungs a doctor approached me and asked me if I understood what was going on. I said, “No not really”. He said, “You have one giant sized blood clot called a Deep Vein Thrombosis or DVT from the top of your groin all the way to your ankle in your left leg. It is imperative we do something immediately to remedy this issue before it’s too late”.

Doctor Thinks He Has A Solution

Doctor said, “We’re thinking we will need to take the leg.” I laughed and said, “Excuse me? You’re kidding right? No you’re not taking my leg.” I asked him, “What are you talking about anyways?” He said, “Ma’am do you not understand why I said we need to take your leg?” I replied facetiously, “Oh, I understand that you deem it necessary because you feel you have no other option, but I’m just letting you know, you will not be cutting off my leg! That is not an option.” I asked him, “If you were me in my shoes laying here and a doctor came to you and said,’ Hey I have to cut off your leg’, knowing you are very active and anxious with tons of energy, would you accept that advice or would you want a second opinion?” He said, “Understood.” “Exactly”! I had made my point.

Another Issue & My Suggestion

Later he re-approached me and readdressed the same topic informing me, “The tests are showing you have small PE’s and one very small one on your heart.” Then asked me, “Do you understand that you could die ma’am?” I told him, “I do understand, I also understand you have a full staff of doctors that come into this room on a daily basis testing me and questioning me so I say to you, If this is such an emergency that you feel my leg being cut off is your only option, why haven’t you come up with another solution? Better yet, why don’t you do like the doctor on the TV show House does? Have you seen it?” He said, “Yes”. Then I said, “Okay, so why don’t you get yourself a group of smart little doctors or interns or whomever you choose, you get your smart brain and all of them get their smart little brains and try to come up with some smart solution? Because I’m telling you, you are not taking my leg. Do you understand me?” “Yes, ma’am”, he replied with disappointment as he exited the room.

House’s Suggestion Fail

The doctor came back the next day and told me he took my advice and got with his interns and they suggested putting a filter in my groin just above the DVT. I say, “Okay that’s something.” After pondering momentarily I went on to say, “I know I’m not very bright or skilled but, what happens when that screen fills up with all those little clots that have been broken down? Won’t they cluster into the screen blocking more areas of blood flow”? He said “I suppose that’s possible but the blood should flow to the other leg”. I asked, “Again I’m not the smart one here, so if the blood flows to the other leg, won’t the clots be traveling to the other leg causing that leg to get blood clots thus won’t you be wanting to ‘cut’ that leg off too?And while I’m thinking about it, if my leg, say I let you cut it off, what’s to say the body won’t produce any more blood clots above it, and for that matter what are my chances for surgery at that point?” He responded, “Well we can’t guarantee that there won’t be any more blood clots that form or travel during or after surgery, and surgery is about 50% that it will work successfully.” I said, “I think y’all need to get your little smart brains thinking again. My chances are just as well right here in this bed.” He said, “I’ll go let them know we need to try to come up with another solution”. I said, “Good idea.” I don’t know why they would even have suggested it if my chances sitting there were just as good and with additional complications.

Tested For Factor V Leiden

Long story short, orders were made to boost my dose of Lovenox , (blood thinner stomach injection), restrict my movements, and continue to monitor me. I was bed ridden, instructed not to move or get up for any reason not even to bathe or use the restroom. I agreed to stay in bed, take bed baths, potty in the bed pan, and limit my mobility by staying in a 180 degree angle at all times. Results for the Factor V Leiden Test did not come yet. I was there for over 2 & 1/2 weeks.

Going Home

Since the DVT was beginning to breakdown the doctor’s said I could go home under these conditions: +

  • Home Health must come to give Lovenox stomach shots
  • Home Health must check my Prothrombin Time / Internationalized Normalized Ratio (PT/INR),
  • Primary Care Doctor (PCP) must monitor me
  • If I stay in a recliner in a 180 degree position 24/7 (except to use restroom & bathe)

More Issues

I agreed to these terms and was sent home. In the beginning, the home health nurse came three times a day to give me my Lovenox stomach shots. Then she showed my husband how to inject them into my stomach. After a couple of days after he felt comfortable, he began to give them to me without supervision 4 times a day. The nurse continued coming to check my PT/INR and my vitals.

My PCP’s (primary care physician) office had called and informed me that the results from the test the hospital had performed showed I tested positive for Factor V Leiden. She said I would be on Coumadin for Life. She then ordered some other tests to be done because I wasn’t sleeping well. I would stay up for days at a time then I would drop and be exhausted for days at a time with complete atrophy of my muscles. The nurse did the draw and I was found to have some deficiencies due to my Factor V Leiden. My deficiencies:

  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin B-12
  • Folic Acid
  • Hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid)

The nurse instructions for my injections:

  • Vit B-12 in my hip three times a week &
  • Vit-D in my arm once a week.
  • Lovenox injections were 4 times a day

Vitamin B-12 shots were very painful. I was at home on bed rest for three and a half months. The injections for Vitamin D continued for months until I found (OTC) over the counter ones in pill form. Vitamin B-12 injections lasted years before I found the correct dose OTC. Vitamin-D 1,000 IU Daily & Vitamin B-12 5,000 MCG Daily are the doses I take of those.

Finally Able to Leave The House

After doing everything I was instructed to do I was able to get out of the house to go see the doctor. She sent me to take another Ultrasound (Doppler) test and it showed the DVT was not completely cleared, it would take another three months or so. My new instructions were: +

  • I would be able to ride short distances in a car
  • No Driving
  • No long rides
  • No long walks
  • I had to prop my legs as often as possible
  • I was to see a vascular surgeon in three months
  • Continue with Home Health Nurse to test PT/INR

Learning To Live With My Disorder

After my home release I was able to drive again and I was ecstatic! To have some freedom to get up and about. There were some set backs that went along with that though. I had put on weight because I had been bed ridden for months on end. Things I needed to do to get back in shape:

  • I needed to diet.
  • I needed to build my strength back up in my legs due to some atrophy.
  • I had to build my lungs back up for now the asthma and allergies were not my friend but foe.
  • I needed to slowly get back in my daily routine

I went to the doctor’s office twice a week and had my blood drawn to check my PT/INR. The doctor was more concerned with my INR them my PT. Normal ratios for an average person should be a 1. Mine needed to be between a 2-2&1/2 to prevent me from getting any more blood clots. Pain pills help with the pain in the leg but never rid it completely. I usually “grin and bare it” that means deal with it.

Vascular Surgeon Visit

The vascular surgeon wants to do surgery on my legs. says I have multiple issues with them.

  • (PAD) Peripheral Artery Disease
  • Chronic Venous Sufficiency
  • Varicose Veins
  • Venous Disease
  • Atherosclerosis

He says he believes he can repair them. I don’t want to do surgery because when I have medical procedures done I risk either bleeding profusely or clotting my blood. Been there done that.

Hospitalized For Tooth Pull – PE Developed

In 2018 I went to a dentist to have a tooth pulled. He had me off my Coumadin for 6 days. The morning of the 6th day I did not make that appointment. Instead I was hospitalized for a PE are Pulmonary Embolisms or blood clots in the lungs. After one week in hospital I was transported to the dentist office via ambulance and with an escorted nurse to have my tooth pulled. I was transported back to he hospital via ambulance where I stayed yet another week until I convinced them to let me go with promise to follow up with my PCP. .


I deal with the risks of eating foods with Vitamin K. Vitamin K helps an average person with the course of clotting the blood naturally when they are injured, cut, or lacerated. For me it’s danger danger. If I consume too much Vitamin K it will “throw off my Coumadin levels” which meas I will have a risk of clotting and getting a DVT or PE.

I have allergies to medications, this limits my choices of since I’m allergic to various antibiotics. I need to take an antibiotic on occasions and since I’m allergic to vast majority my choices are limited. Even though this one antibiotic may “throw my Coumadin levels off”. I still use it. In this situation, it thins my blood but not enough to pose a major risk. I use it with caution.

I stand the chance of hemorrhaging as do others that take blood thinners. In my case I am taking a high dose of 8 mg of Coumadin daily in order to keep my INR at a 2.5-3.5. With this in mind I always have to use extra precautionary measures when using knives, sharp objects, or bumping myself especially my head, or chest. I wouldn’t want to be back in the hospital or worse.

A Better Understanding

I hope you have a better understanding of living with Factor V Leiden at least in my case and for people like me. I understand some of you out there may never have a sign or symptom at all, for that please thank our heavenly creator. He is to whom I owe all my blessings. We are all imperfect all because of the dented baking pan in the Garden of Eden. (try baking a cake in a dented pan, years later as it develops more dents, bake again, imperfect in different ways). I have learned to live with my condition and next time I will show you how I monitor my own INR.

Does your mind ever wander when your sitting alone in the quiet? Does it have the tendency to make you wander into different places or times?

Here’s my thoughts on the matter. Thoughts or actions that affect our daily lives sometimes play a role in some of our thoughts. I believe the mind may take this information and wash it, twist it, or maybe even distort it.

Dreams often occur in the same manor. One could be stressing out about a project or a deadline at work, that information along with their lifestyles, social networking, family life, daily routines, exercise, and responsibilities such as bills and financial debt. All of these factors can get jumbled up with a multitude of images one may have recently encountered causing one of many various networks of possible outcomes to emerge (normally not all at once), bringing to light new ideas, thoughts, (not always great ones), and images especially when it’s quiet, one’s alone, or dreaming.

Test the Theory

Try and evaluate your next strange idea or thought by recalling details of your recent activities maybe figure out if something that occurred in your life may have flipped that switch in your thought process.

My Personal Test

I was thinking about both of my parents yesterday, looking through photographs and how I wished they were still here with me. They are both gone now but I have our memories of fun times and laughter like when we went to the beach, played games such as Croquet & Monopoly, and fun times as a family at the lake & travel. Then I thought of some boys I know that grew up without their daddy. He passed away when they were very young. That was what I was thinking in the quiet yesterday afternoon 9/12/19 .

My Outcome

This is where my mind wandered yesterday for a bit. A poem came to mind.

Something is Missing

By Josephine Carol Force-Rojas

Together laughing and Playing

And “I love You” sayings

Years past by and soon came the tears

Quiet was all we could hear

Sounds of laughter were far from near

Daddy was gone I wish he was here

A child should have a male bonding

Something I have for so long been longing

Grown up a family of my own

Wishing I knew how not to feel all alone

Remembering the laughing and playing

And “I Love You” sayings

Finding difficulties trying to cope

Looking to them and him for some kind of hope

Unable to be the way I should be

For my father was gone before I was three

Warm breeze wisps through palms of the trees

Sounds of Seagulls and whipping seas

Finally a sense of peace

Joining Him now I am at ease.

Taking baby steps to making my way into the world, and yes it can be challenging and exhausting.

I recently started writing again and decided I wanted to get some of my work published.

Writing children’s books is a dream come true to me because it opens the minds of wonders and imagination to the little ones either just becoming alert to reading, or those that love to play with nonsense, fun, education, and laughter. To me, writing them is simply an inexplicable joy.

The problems began when I didn’t have an illustrator for these stories. I did all sorts of research on illustrators and then realized it was exhausting. I then tried to draw my own illustrations finding out that my imagination has it’s limits. I went to my blog, this one, to see when my last posting was. Well, it has been years. I opened this blog in 2015. I decided it was time to open up the spectrum and try to get noticed. I started by reanalyzing what I want my blog to represent. I organized my thinking a bit and wah-la. It still needs work. I’m thinking I need some advice on that. I then re-opened several other social media sites I once used. These are sights such as LinkedIn, Messenger, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. Not sure how I’m going to swing them all yet. We shall see.

While on LinkedIn, I found a place called ProFinder where I could post a job request for my particular interest. In this case, I’m in need of an illustrator. Within about 5-6 hours I began getting some proposals. I was so excited and nervous, as I still am to be honest. Now after having spoken with a few of them, I came to the conclusion I have some difficult decisions to make. They all do very good work. I feel that they are going to be able to help me in ways I could never have done on my own. I’m just starting to poke my head out and am basically clueless as to what to really expect. I will update as I cross that bridge.

I wanted to share my experiences with others by using this blog expanding it to Facebook, though in doing so apparently I needed to open an additional page, a business page. It walked me through it but this is all just wowing me. I set it up and I was able to link this sight to my new Facebook Business Page. They then began to offer many choices which can be costly and I’m not at a place where that is something I’m ready to take on at this time. I’m taking baby steps. I first need to have those illustrations. While on Facebook, I reached out to my regular friends and family inviting them to my new page so they can receive my current blogs, thus support me during this trying time. This has been a busy day for me learning new things and trying to explore the world of internet with crossing wires in every direction. I hope that everyone will enjoy my experiences as much as I do as you follow me through this maze. I’m looking forward to coming up with new ideas to keep my audience interested. Let me know if I can help you get started on a blog. I’m learning more all the time! Feel free to like and follow. Visit as often as possible. I need all the support you can offer! Thank you, Stay tuned!

A Beautiful Dove

This was/is dedicated to my mother Olive May Josephine Proctor written by me on 3/22/18.

Well the world is at a great loss. A beautiful dove flew to the heavens the other day. You see, I’ve had the great pleasure of sharing her last year and a half fighting the horrible disease of Dementia. We shared laughs, memories, thoughts, fears, and tears. I watched as the the disease progressively declined her health, yet she held strong through it all! God had blessed me with the opportunity to tend for her every need all the while celebrating her beautiful smiles and silly comments. We shared many joyous moments including travel and weekly Family Night with our family. Though she endured many trials during her health decline as this evil disease rapidly progressed, she remained strongest person I’ve ever known all the way to her last breath. I am forever grateful to our Grand Creator for giving me that time with her. It was with great pleasure taking care of her and that’s something I will treasure in my heart forever. The bonding that we shared and the new memories we built are ever so precious to me. I can imagine her face with great rejoice as she rejoined my sister Jacqueline Lynn Force, her grandson John Theodore Decker, Jr, and my step-father Richard Norman Proctor, Sr, plus all of her lost ones they may have been awaiting her arrival. The Heavens are full of light and rejoice having received such a beautiful addition! I love you Mommy and long to see you again some day! (July 3, 1939 – March 19, 2018)

I’m Back!

Trying to Update my Blog / 9/9/19

I’m not very tech savvy tho I’m trying to update my blog and I’m having a very difficult time. I hope everyone will be patient with me.

I know I haven’t posted in years but I have been dealing with family issues as well as health issues. Hopefully I can stay focused because I have written several children’s books I have yet to publish. This is due to the lack of an illustrator. If you’re a Publisher or illustrator or have any advice for me to get started, please feel free to to advise!

Goodbye Daddy

redrose66 /  August 10, 2015 / Poems / Life Happens

Many Milestones Walked, Many Voices Talked.

Many Paths Crossed, Many Spirits Lost.

Many Places Traveled, Many Stories Unraveled.

Many Wives Bound, Many Young Around.

Many Years of Service taken in Stride, Many Americans taking Pride.

Many Lives Encountered, Many Hearts Shattered.

Many Smiles Cared, Many Memories Shared.

Many Times I mowed your lawn Up, Many Cups of Coffee & Donuts.

Many Hours of Computer Lessons, Many Celebrations of Special Occasions.

Many Times we raised our Glasses, Many Times we laughed our Asses.

Many Health Challenges, Many Caused Damages.

Many Cures were Searched, Many Hopes of more time on Earth.

Many Treatments Had, Many Days were Sad.

Many Years of Joy, Many Cells Destroyed.

Many Times I have Prayed., Many Times he was Brave.

Many will be Glad to Know, Many Pains have ceased to Show.

Many Words Unspoken, Many Hearts now Broken.

Many Pains Felt, Many Ways Dealt.

Many Prayers Spoken, Many Tears Approaching.

Many Years now gone Alarms, Many Angels with open Arms.

Many Thanks and Praises from Above, Many Visits from White Doves.

Many will cry because he’s Gone, Many will have to remain Strong.

Many just want to say Goodbye, Many will find it difficult to Try.

Many will be Sad, Many for Love they Had.

Many will feel Reprieved, Many through all this Grief.

 Many words I can never Say, Many will Know & Feel as I do Today.

Many when they Hear these last Words if I May?


Love, your youngest daughter,

 Josephine Carol (Force) Rojas


                        DAD OLD MOTORCYCLE    the old man


August 11, 1937 – July 31, 2015

77 Years 11 Months 20 Days