Goodbye Daddy

redrose66 /  August 10, 2015 / Poems / Life Happens

Many Milestones Walked, Many Voices Talked.

Many Paths Crossed, Many Spirits Lost.

Many Places Traveled, Many Stories Unraveled.

Many Wives Bound, Many Young Around.

Many Years of Service taken in Stride, Many Americans taking Pride.

Many Lives Encountered, Many Hearts Shattered.

Many Smiles Cared, Many Memories Shared.

Many Times I mowed your lawn Up, Many Cups of Coffee & Donuts.

Many Hours of Computer Lessons, Many Celebrations of Special Occasions.

Many Times we raised our Glasses, Many Times we laughed our Asses.

Many Health Challenges, Many Caused Damages.

Many Cures were Searched, Many Hopes of more time on Earth.

Many Treatments Had, Many Days were Sad.

Many Years of Joy, Many Cells Destroyed.

Many Times I have Prayed., Many Times he was Brave.

Many will be Glad to Know, Many Pains have ceased to Show.

Many Words Unspoken, Many Hearts now Broken.

Many Pains Felt, Many Ways Dealt.

Many Prayers Spoken, Many Tears Approaching.

Many Years now gone Alarms, Many Angels with open Arms.

Many Thanks and Praises from Above, Many Visits from White Doves.

Many will cry because he’s Gone, Many will have to remain Strong.

Many just want to say Goodbye, Many will find it difficult to Try.

Many will be Sad, Many for Love they Had.

Many will feel Reprieved, Many through all this Grief.

 Many words I can never Say, Many will Know & Feel as I do Today.

Many when they Hear these last Words if I May?


Love, your youngest daughter,

 Josephine Carol (Force) Rojas


                        DAD OLD MOTORCYCLE    the old man


August 11, 1937 – July 31, 2015

77 Years 11 Months 20 Days

Spellchecker/ Auto-Correct Laughs

redrose66 / June 12, 2015 / Just for Laughs

Caution: May not be suitable for children under 13 years of age Rated PG-13

Have you ever had your spellchecker on and were in a hurry to sent a text or message and forgot to take that second look and do a quick proof read over what you wrote prior to pushing that “send message” button? Yeah, me too, I’m assuming that I’m not the only one flawed.

For instance just today I was messaging my niece and was telling her the reason I didn’t get back with her yesterday, okay? So I this is the message I sent::

Me: “spent the day with my Grandview yesterday”.

What I meant was “spent the day with my grandkids yesterday”.  But I corrected it promptly because I did a quick check just as I hit the send button, not giving her a chance to respond to my grammatical error.

Here’s one from a couple of days ago between my husband and me:

Me: “I was going to talk to Lettuce again…”

My husband: “ok?”

Me: “I was going to talk to **Letty again. That silly spellchecker’s a stinker. It sneaks up on you like a serpent, you know what I mean?”

Now I usually put two asterisk marks before my corection like this:  **correction just like that so they can see that I’m making a correction. And yes, *FYI: I intentionally misspelled the word “correction” to make my point in case someone was wondering.

Spellchecker is pretty funny sometimes, but frequently it can be annoying. Like when it misplaces an intended innocent word for a naughty word or offensive word. That’s happened to me before but I can’t recall any specifics at this time but I did find some online that had other people frustrated. 

 This is about a couple trying to understand each other:

Person A: “Can you get pregnant before you come over today?”

Person B: “what”

Person A: “OH My GOD. I meant to ask if you could get my Pringles at the grocery store.”

Person A: “Pringles…the chips…NOT pregnant…gahhhh”

Person B: “*omg ahh hahahahaha”

 And another one: This is lovers having a passionate goodnight:

Person A: “Love you Babe! Goodnight!”

Person B: “My love for you is strong I would buy you a casket if I could!”

Person B: “castle. I promise I meant castle.”

Person B: “autocorrect why do you have to ruin me so?”

Person B: “Emily?”

Person B: “Hello?” 

This can be taken different ways:

Person A: “D I caught some squirts!”

Person B: “….That’s nice I guess”

Person A: “Yea, you want one?”

Person B: “Ummmm, no thanks. You can keep ‘em.”

Person A: “You sure?” They’re the flying ones.”

Person B: “…Flying squirts?! Why would I want that?!”


Person B: “Bahahahaha! I thought you were sick or something.* LOL”

Caution: These are more graphic then the prior ones. PG-13 is advised.

This is just a meal deal, breaker that is:

Person A: “Chicken Vaginas sounds good for dinner tonight”

Person B: “No, not really” “and …*ROFL *btw”

Person A: “? What would you rather have?”

Person A: “*omg, hahahaha!  Chicken fajitas.* wtf, phone!

Person B: “Definitely not chicken vaginas.”

Person B: “Oh … that sounds much better :p”

 Here’s another: This is a boss and employee having a conversation.

Da Boss: “Can you come in today for just a few hours? Everyone called in today.

Employee: “Maybe in about an hour or so. I gotta finish my cocaine then masturbate everything and shower”.

Da Boss: “I’m not sure what to say to that”

Employee: “COOKING not cocaine and PACK UP not masturbate. Autocorrect sucks!” 

Here’s a couple more just for laughs. It was intentionally innocent I suspect:

Person A: “I hate when people don’t have control over their pussy! It seriously slobbered all over me. I hate that smell, and now I’m all sticky.”

Person A:  “PUPPIES!!!”

Person A: *OMG puppies!

Person B: “I am laughing so hard right now!!”

Person A: “So not cool”

 This one is something that happens when you catch the auto-correct and try and remedy the situation immediately but the auto-correct wins in the end.

Person A: “Can you pick me up some more boobsicles”

Person A: “No. I meant boobsicles”

Person A: “boobsicles”

Person A: “GOD DONKEY”

Person B: “so that’s 3 orders of boobsicles and one holy donkey. Anything else? 

Person A: “no”

 This was one that caught me off guard and I just could not help but bust up in laughter. It hit close to home and reminded me of someone from my past. But that’s a story for another time. Here goes: 

Person A: “What’s up?”

Person B: “Not much. I’ve just been sucking penis all day”

Person A: “That’s good for you…”

Person B: “oh dear god shucking penis”

Person B: “PENIS”

Person B: “peanuts!!!”

Person B: “piece of shirt phone”

 This one is a mom and her child’s conversation. Don’t shoot the messenger but this made me laugh.

Mom: “Dan and I are going out. Dinner is in the microwave”

Child: “awesome! You’re the best! Where you heading?”

Mom: “he’s going to show me his cock!!! im supper excited!!”

Child: “WTF mom ewwwww why would you say that?”

Mom: “OMG!!! His “COCK” ”

Child: “yeah got it mom thanks”

Mom: “stupid phone D O C K! where he keeps his boat!”

Child: “yeah ok”

 This one is relatives talking about their grandmother. Poor grandma. Glad she’s okay though.

Person A: “Great news- Grandma is homosexual!”

Person B: “Okay?”

Person A: “Homo hot lips”

Person A: “Hot tulips”

Person A: “I am getting fisted now”

Person A: “Frustrated”

Person A: “Grandma is h o m e”

Person A: “from h o s p I t a l”

Person B: “Hahaha homo hot lips!!??

Well I hope you enjoyed these as much as I did! Have a great Day! Till Next Time!

 Footnotes: *omg= oh my gosh/god    *wtf= what the fu_ _    *ROFL= roll on floor

                                         *btw= by the way   LOL= laugh out loud FYI= For Your Information

Copyright © 2015 by Josephine Rojas. All rights reserved.